I was reading one of Pema Chodron's books this morning, a series of lectures she gave at Gampo Abbey. She says Buddhist teaching is simply to be open every moment. My higher power has long been the Goddess, and I'm practicing turning my life over to her. Now I'm rephrasing that to turn my life to openness every moment. I still like calling her Goddess, and so do the women in my support group. Glad you're starting this newsletter.

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Love Pema Chodren! Thank you for reading Kirie! Glad to find you here. And Goddess? Yasssss to the Goddess!

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Jun 30Liked by Kelly Thompson

Really fucking happy to see you doing this. You are instrumental in helping me find my voice. There's nothing wrong with us and there never was. 🖤

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Woot! 🔥🔥🔥keep going ✍🏼

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Kelly, I LOVE this, "Fly. Become who and what you were made to be, fully your selves. Shake the dust from your feet. Nurture your intellect. Do the hard work of healing and deconstructing. Find original thought. Don’t settle for secondhand belief. Seek a God (or not) of your own understanding.

Don’t sell yourself short. You are made of stardust and real Love cannot be earned. It’s inside you. To trust yourself is your birthright.

Don’t give away your power to outside authority ever. Find the true power within you which is where God of whatever name we call Her is.

Follow your passion and purpose. It was planted inside you from conception. Find those who can see and believe you.

Drop the false personas you developed

to survive. There’s nothing wrong with you and there never was. " Thank you for starting this, I'm excited to read more. xo

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Thank you, Jocelyn! I appreciate the pull quote and reading. I’m excited to share more!

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Jun 30Liked by Kelly Thompson

Well, this is meant to be if I have even seen meant to be! 😂✨✨✨💜✨✨✨

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Ah, there you are. I was looking for a Mentor and a kick-ass 70-year old crone is what I need as I explore and write about my recovery from FSA and sexual abuse post-menopausal and married to my greatest love who also has FTLD. Not what I expected, but I am ready to face uncertainty with the boldness you exude. Funny, but lately I've been watching documentaries about high control groups because it reflects the reality of my family upbringing. Thank you for starting this space!

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So happy to see you here. We are legion. Let it begin!

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Yes! Yes we are! Thank you for the welcome and I hope you're okay that in my enthusiasm I called you a crone. It's a high compliment from one to another.

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I wear it proudly.

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Jul 21Liked by Kelly Thompson

Wow, to read your words after YOUR deconstruction and “liberation” - as I have gone thru my healing process from what I call The Cult of generational family abuses, toxicity, and personality disorders if not full on mental illness - and your works describe my own life at this moment. I too am 70, has to deconstruct and reweave the tapestry of my life where I pulled out and released the timelines of covert narc behaviors foisted upon me and doubled down by her family of origin. I think of my “liberation” as a rebirth, that I am beginning to feel now. And she is 91, about to turn the page to her new chapter of her decline (and with it, the passed down “controller” of her generation will pass on). I think for me I have gone full circle and now differentiated and reborn caring for my authentic self, my heart and soul. And for the first time in a long while can take a deep breath and feel my inner strength and own self and decisions or thoughts (no one else’s). I resonated with your comments on another stack (hi Jelly) and am happy to be curious and interested in yours. Thank you

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Solidarity, sister!

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Welcome to Substack, Kelly!! Yayyyyyyy!!

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Yay!!!!! Thank you, Jeannine!

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Love being here with you and looking forward to your words! xoxo

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