“Pluto has revealed the underbelly of patriarchy”

Thank you, Pluto and for this incredibly rich essay. There is so much in here Kelly. I’m gonna have to come back.

An excellent Read well done !

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Thanks Prajna, love to hear your thoughts!

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I love this practice as I too am very fond of the dark. It’s been a lifelong journey for me and I often found it more interesting than the light and integrating and accepting both. We can’t have one without the other.


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What a powerful essay Kelly! I came across your Substack a month ago and read all your posts since. Thank you so much for sharing your experience and your journey. There is so much wisdom there.

After having my own dark night of the soul (one of many maybe?), I've been gradually settling into the knowing that this is a friendly universe indeed. Primitive duality thinking used to me see darkness as a punishment or a confirmation that there is no higher purpose -- but I've gradually come to see it as a calling to "upgrade" myself. And that the universe wouldn't give me challenges I could not handle. Still learning of course! So much to learn, always.

Thank you for your writing.

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So good to meet kin on the road and be in convo with you Pamela! Thank you for your generous words. It is all for our benefit somehow isn’t it?

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Once again the richness of your writing and the unflinching attention you give to your transformation is sustenance for me as I evolve inside my own. This was a life-giving, meditative read. One that met me exactly where I am. Thank you, thank you, thank you. x

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Oh I’m so grateful you are here to receive it, Allison. ⚡️🌈⚡️

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Thank you for this essay, Kelly. Thank you for sharing your journey and your mindful resistance against despair. You give us all hope.

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🌻thank you for the work you do, Michelle. We take turns on this journey.

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Passing the baton :)

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I love that when the sunflower matures, she stays facing East. As though she can withstand the dark in the knowledge that the light will come again.

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Me too. Sunflowers are such a beautiful image of following the light.

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There is so much here that I cannot relate to, so my thorough attention is a testament (no pun intended) to your voice. Thank you.

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This means so much to me Ren. 🌻🫶🌻

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Despair as the great temptation--this is resonant right now. I love how you weave the astrology in with your dark night, with transformation, with wit and wisdom. Oh Pluto and his grudge.

Glad you listened to that prompt to leave when it came.

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Thank you, Holly! Ha Pluto and his grudge! Lol if I hadn’t left I wouldn’t have survived. 🫶

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I’m not sure how I found you but so glad I did. Sunflowers and Stars are resonant signs for me to turn toward and return to keeping my eyes on the light. They are signs from my son Christopher in spirit to move through despair and stay on a sober, evolving path. Glad to be connected.

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Love that you’re here Sally. ☀️

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Kelly…your writing is nourishment for my heart. And full of deep wisdom and compassion for my very messy, very persistent mind. Thank you 🙏🏼

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I could not help but think of one of my favorite Theodore Roethke poems while reading this powerful piece, Kelly. "I know the purity of pure despair..." - Full poem here - Title: "In a Dark Time': https://www.poetryfoundation.org/poems/43347/in-a-dark-time

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Oooh thank you! Love his work.

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Beautifully expressed, Kelly. Thank you for sharing. I love how you tie in the astrology with your experience.

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Thank you for reading and commenting Kaitlyn! I love hearing from you.

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Thanks for reading and restacking Chris! 🌻

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Thank you for restacking, Charles! 🫶

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